Sara and Taco sign

MacGyver and Jeff

Taco, Sara, Jeff & MacGyver

Welcome to our kitty page! We are four Burmese cats living in Söderhamn. Do you want to get to know us better? *Meow*.... sure you want to!!! We are
Lovestory's Hindu Sarasvati
Lovestory's Jalapeņo Taco
BerlinerMauer's Alaska Jeff who died on September 8, 2008
BerlinerMauer's Chari MacGyver


I am called Sara, and I am the oldest and wisest of us kitties here. I was born on May 30, 1998 in Örebro, by the breeder Mary Hellman, she is in charge of Lovestory's Cattery. My human bean, Christian, went down to Örebro in mid September 1998. My sister, Mira and myself did actually pick Christian out as our human bean. Mira crossed Rainbow Bridge in October, and you can see a picture of her and read about her at Beloved Cats.
In December my half brother, Taco, came to us. He present himself downhere. I love to catnap in the bed. As the oldest and wisest I, of course, have to keep an eye on everything that goes on here in our apartment. *meow*

Want to see my pedigree? Click here!!


I am Taco, and I was only 4 weeks old when Sara moved to our human bean in September. But in early December 1998, I joined her in Söderhamn. My human bean met our breeder and picked me up in Gävle in the worst snow storm for ages. I hope you kitties love snow ;-)
I love female kitties - and I have had several ladies visiting me. I also like ham - from the delicatessen shop, not any brand, like the cheaper brands. As all clever kitties I also love to catnap. My latest interest is female kitties. So... I am a stud now :-)I hope to meet many nice female kitties and get many kitty babies.
I am going to be a daddy this summer - I hope! :-> I had a love affair with Årskogens Oda, and another nice lady named Leona, she was a red Burmese.

Of course, you now want to see my pedigree! :-) Click here!!

Taco and Sara in closet

Ooops!! We was just going to take a catnap in the closet, when our human bean caught us!!!

Taco playing

Sometimes we get visitors that plays with us, it's furry funny. Here is our friend, Runo, playing with Taco on our climbing furniture.

Jeff outdoors

I am the third Burmese in this house. I am son of Taco and Årskogens Oda. My bother Jim still lives at home with our mother Oda in Liden. I was born on August 22, 1999 in Liden and am the second kitty in the litter. Breeder is my human bean's sister.
I LOVE food and our human bean says I am starting to get a bit fat!!! :-O Lately we kitties have gotten less food - if you ask me!! *Meow" !!!! Sara and Taco thinks I am a pain in the tail when I am eating from three food-bowls at the same time. They do not understand I am HUNGRY!! Why is that? Jeff left us after kidney failure and went over the Rainbow bridge on September 8, 2008

Now you can see MY pedigree! :-) Click here!!

Jeff outdoors in Liden

Here I am taking a walk in Liden at Walpurgis night, actually the day before this season. This was the second time I was out in a string, it felt rather strange with all new smells and sounds. Little me ain't use to that!! *meow* But it is exciting to come out and smell on the flowers like the bull Ferdinand (Walt Disney). I also fancy all the exciting insects. I hope there will be many moments like this in the summer.

MacGyver on red carpet

The latest member of the family - MacGyver. Here I am laying on a fancy red carpet, the kitty behind me is Jeff - I think so ;-) Am I not cute? My name is S*BerlinerMauer's Chari MacGyver, and I was born on December 9th, 2000, in Liden. My kitty dad is Jeff and my kitty mom is Lill-Busan, well, her real name is Monturds Bruna Busan. My human daddy says I am stubborn - don't believe everything you hear! :-> I did very well on the cat show in Hudiksvall, got BIS for young cats. Makes me very proud.
If you want to see my pedigree.MacGyver's pedigree.

Our Links:
Our human bean Christian
Busan's Cat Page
Oda's Cat Page
Lill-Busan's Cat Page
Alaska Jim's Kitty Page
My naughty brother!
Wildy Rosita's Homepage

Burmese associations:
The Swedish Burmese Club / Swedish text
BurmaAlliansens Hemsida
The Swedish BurmeseAlliance / Swedish text.

Visitors since July 12, 1999 on this page.

Background and button made by Berliner-Mauer

Designed July - 1999 by Sara and Taco. Last modified 5 July 2009.
Copyright © CHRISTIAN EKLÖF. All rights reserved.